
About White, Chris

Chris White is the VP of Data Services with RedZone Robotics with over 13 years in the wastewater industry. With Mr. Whites support, RedZone has successfully aided engineers and municipalities in better understanding sensor technologies and data for managing their collection systems. He oversees the transition of software and data to the end-client and provides a hands-on approach to continuing education. His technical knowledge of RedZones technology and interpretation of deliverables is recognized as an asset to RedZones clients. Mr. White maintains a current NASSCO certification.
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White, Chris
Chris White is the VP of Data Services with RedZone Robotics with over 13 years in the wastewater industry. With Mr. Whites support, RedZone has successfully aided engineers and municipalities in better understanding sensor technologies and data for managing their collection systems. He oversees the transition of software and data to the end-client and provides a hands-on approach to continuing education. His technical knowledge of RedZones technology and interpretation of deliverables is recognized as an asset to RedZones clients. Mr. White maintains a current NASSCO certification.