
About Chen, Siwei

I completed my MS degree in the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in Environmental Engineering. My MS thesis mainly focused on investigating the formation of Low Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (LMW-DON) in different wastewater treatment processes and its impact on eutrophication in the water body. I am currently working in collaboration with New York State Center for Clean Water Technology (NYSCCWT) on developing new nitrogen removing biofilter (NRB2.0) to achieve significant nitrogen removal for onsite wastewater.
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Chen, Siwei
I completed my MS degree in the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in Environmental Engineering. My MS thesis mainly focused on investigating the formation of Low Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (LMW-DON) in different wastewater treatment processes and its impact on eutrophication in the water body. I am currently working in collaboration with New York State Center for Clean Water Technology (NYSCCWT) on developing new nitrogen removing biofilter (NRB2.0) to achieve significant nitrogen removal for onsite wastewater.