Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Solids processing performance is a critical parameter in the selection of technology and defining realistic specifications. This performance, which includes assessment of achievable solids concentrations, polymer (or chemical) demand, percent capture, and power consumption, can be estimated in either bench scale testing or pilot scale testing. The most appropriate type of testing for a specific...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count281
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Bench scale testing is performed in a laboratory with a sludge sample or series of sludge samples collected from the treatment plant at a single point in time. Bench scale testing is the first step in determining which technology can achieve a desired result, and what realistic performance might be for a certain technology. The use of bench scale tests is critical for industrial wastes and when...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count187
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Pilot scale testing includes on-site portable equipment temporarily installed at the treatment plant. A pilot is generally less than one week in duration and uses equipment in the 20-200 gpm range. Pilot scale testing provides continuous operation and an opportunity for treatment plant operators to participate in actively running equipment. The pilot test must be coordinated with the manufacturer...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count292
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Neither bench scale nor pilot scale testing is necessary for every project. Options for projecting performance without such testing include:
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count48
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Ultimately, the decision to test is dependent upon the project time frame, budget constraints and risk management profile. The more extensive the testing, the lower the project risk. If project risk is pushed to the supplier, then the supplier may insist on testing of representative product to mitigate their exposure. If the project risk is low, then the cost of testing may outweigh the risk and...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count81
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Ed Fritz, P.E.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count17
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing

PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count33
Description: Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing
Water Environment Federation
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count12
Bench Scale vs Pilot Scale Dewatering Testing