Description: Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Data Analytics
Flow monitoring is an essential procedure to collect data for evaluating and characterizing wet-weather and dry-weather flow conditions in sanitary sewer collection systems. Real time use of the data for supporting operational decision-making/optimization and in-time maintenance activities has been a growing trend. Over the past three decades, industry practices have evolved in designing...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count145
Description: Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Data Analytics
A sewer flow and rainfall monitoring program typically involves installing a network of flow meters and rain gauges at strategic locations within the sewer system for a specific duration. Collected data are analyzed to develop flow characteristics under dry- and wet-weather conditions at the meter locations. Industry experiences/observations indicate that successful flow monitoring strategies...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count1,653
Description: Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Data Analytics

PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count2,039
Description: Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Data Analytics
This factsheet represents one in a series of complimentary reference documents that WEF is developing with a focus on the topic of infiltration and inflow remediation in sanitary sewer systems. All these publications collectively provide the overall comprehension of various aspects of sanitary sewer system management, including the subject of this fact sheet. The table on the next page provides a...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count273
Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Data Analytics