Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
The Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics team is a utility–university partnership, bringing together the University of Michigan and GLWA. The team’s goal is to enable GLWA’s first generation of smart storm and sewer collection system control.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count153
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
The GLWA is a regional water and wastewater authority that services nearly 40% of the water customers in Michigan, including the City of Detroit and its surrounding suburbs — approximately 3.9 million customers. GLWA’s combined sewer system experiences frequent CSOs to the Detroit and Rouge rivers. To combat these persistent untreated overflows, and with a National Pollutant Discharge...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count241
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
A current trend in water and sewer systems is to increase instrumentation, providing unprecedented amounts of data on water levels, flows, and water quality throughout the system at any time. Yet, these raw data are not inherently information upon which someone can act. In fact, it is nearly impossible for any one person, or team, to analyze and interpret — in real time —...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count217
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
To test this idea, the team chose a subset of the larger system as a pilot. The pilot area was selected for the number and size of its controllable assets, including pump stations, inflatable bladder in-line storage dams, and 454 million L (120 million gal) of in-system storage. The in-system storage includes a 113 million L (30 million gal) retention treatment basin, and approximately 340 million...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count323
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
The team tested load-balancing control with an EPA SWMM input file representing a portion of the GLWA combined sewer collection system. Control actions are made during a simulation via PySWMM, a Python language wrapper for SWMM. Each controllable asset consists of an actuator — valve, gate, or pump — and an upstream storage element. These storage elements usually represent in-line...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count566
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
To communicate these recommendations, the team developed a decision support dashboard, shown in Figure 4 (p. 34). The design principle was to go beyond raw data to provide actionable information.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count265
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
This preliminary investigation suggests that application of real-time control and a decision support engine can play a role in GLWA’s efforts to reduce untreated CSO discharges. The team has identified the following focus areas to improve the robustness of the application.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count162
Description: Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
The takeaways from this research are as follows:
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count289
Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics