Description: Smarter Dosing for Disinfection
Disinfection is one of the most important water and wastewater treatment processes due to its critical role in the protection of aquatic environment and public health. Underdosing leads to low disinfection performance with possible violation of regulatory limits. Over-dosing, on the other hand, increases operational costs due to higher chemical consumption and poses the risk of possible violations...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count439
Description: Smarter Dosing for Disinfection
In wastewater disinfection, the issue of advanced ICT dose monitoring, optimization, and control is critical as the quantity and quality of the water can vary dramatically and unpredictably over time due to such factors as
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count207
Description: Smarter Dosing for Disinfection
To test the ability of the developed ICT-dose pacing strategy, researchers used a pilot-scale, 3,035-L (802-gal) chemical contact basin (CCB) at a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) that uses activated sludge for secondary treatment. Actual secondary effluent was sent to the influent of the pilot CCB on a continuous basis, allowing for a real-time side stream demonstration study.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count227
Description: Smarter Dosing for Disinfection
The test began with a flow-pacing experiment. The flow ranged from 1.0 L/s (overnight) to 3.5 L/s (morning and evening peak flows). Because the concentration of PAA at the injection point is fixed to a setpoint concentration, the ICT dose varies during the day. This results in a high ICT dose at low flow — longer HRTs and greater disinfectant decay — and low ICT dose at high flows...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count255
Description: Smarter Dosing for Disinfection
This pilot study helped validate the innovative (patent pending) ICT-dose-based chemical disinfection control strategy under realistic conditions. The results clearly show the benefits of ICT-dose pacing over conventional flow-pacing controls. In a similar study, the ICT-dose control technology has been tested at full-scale in a 20-ML/d (5-mgd) WRRF where sodium hypochlorite was applied as primary...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count215
Smarter Dosing for Disinfection