Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
Pumping stations in sanitary sewer collection systems, also called lift stations, are designed to move raw sewage from lower to higher elevations when the use of gravity conveyance will result in excessively deep excavation and higher construction and operational costs. Sewage flowing through underground gravity pipelines is collected in an underground chamber called a wet well. The wet well is...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count229
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
There are several different types of wastewater lift stations. These include the following: single family (home) grinder pumps; low pressure force main systems which also include grinder pumps; lift stations which discharge to gravity via a force main and can be accomplished using suction lift or submersible centrifugal pumps; wet pit/dry pit which typically would have a longer force main and...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count135
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
This type of station services homes which are remote and far from the gravity main located in the City/State right-or-way/easement. In these cases, the gravity sewer system would have to be considerably deeper to service the home which would be very costly to provide gravity service to these homes. The centrifugal grinder lift station lifts sewage and conveys the flow via a force main to the...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count108
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
Low pressure force mains convey wastewater flow from many homes using centrifugal grinder pumps to a gravity collection system, another lift station or to a WRRF.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count31
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
There are two types of lift stations which have been used in several locations across the country. First, is a centrifugal suction lift pump, which lifts the wastewater from a wet well each time the pump starts. These pumps have a mechanism which keeps the wastewater at the pump impeller and typically lifts wastewater to another gravity system.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count118
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
In these stations, the dry well and the wet well are separated by a concrete wall. Wastewater is discharged to and pumped from the wet well via suction piping connected to the centrifugal pumps that are located in an adjacent dry well. There are a few configurations for motor installations. The first is by using a centrifugal submersible pump and motor which is close coupled and are called dry pit...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count225
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
Vacuum sewer systems work on differential pressure. There is a central wastewater pumping station that has several different components from the other types of pumping stations mentioned above. First, there are vacuum pumps which create a lower than atmospheric pressure inside the connecting pipes as far as several miles in either direction from the pumping station on flat terrain. These pipes are...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count303
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
The data monitoring, collection, and management often referred to as Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) options available these days are almost limited only by one’s imagination. At lift stations, data can be collected such as; influent flow rate, force main flow rate, pump status (on/off), pump pressure...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count258
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
The proper O&M of a lift station is a series of tasks that are considered, designed and implemented with the goal of assuring that the facility will function efficiently, safely, reliably and without fail given foreseeable conditions and events. By performing these tasks successfully, the utility fulfills the goals of protecting public health and safety and the environment.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count409
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
The major industry references related to sanitary sewer lift stations have been identified and listed in the table below. The table includes the resources and descriptions of 10 States Standards, several different cities and counties guidelines, as well as public agency references such as EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), HI (Hydraulic Institute), WEF (Water Environment Federation), WERF...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count68
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
Design Specification & Requirements Manual. 2010. London, ON: Environmental and Engineering Services Department (EESD).
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count79
Description: Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count592
Sanitary Sewer Systems: Lift Stations and Data Management Fact Sheet