Description: Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success
Designers need to select carefully the membrane flux rate. It is recommended that pilot or demonstration testing be conducted prior to implementation of the full-scale facility. Membrane warranties typically dictate the conditions under which the membrane can be operated. While MBRs permit the use of high mixed liquor suspended solids concentration, there are limits.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count522
Description: Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success

PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count889
Description: Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success
A crucial aspect is designing facilities to accommodate local conditions. Low temperatures affect both the physical permeability of the membranes and the treatment microbiology.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count339
Description: Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success
Membrane systems require a supply of scouring air to agitate the membrane cassette and prevent solids from accumulating on the surface. The air demand is variable, as the air supply needs to be high when permeate rates are high, and air supply curtailed when permeate is not flowing through the membrane.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count641
Description: Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success
Membrane bioreactors are complex treatment systems with multiple mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation elements. Consideration for how the facility will be operated and maintained needs to start during planning and design.
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count214
Description: Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success
Membranes typically will need to be replaced every 10 years, but life can be less if exposed to unusual contaminants or operated at harsh conditions. In 2003, when membrane bioreactors were first becoming widely used, only three manufacturers were producing commercially available products. Since then, original manufacturers have improved their products and more manufacturers have entered the...
PublisherWater Environment Federation
Word count171
Seven keys to membrane bioreactor success