Publication Process
WEF publishing has a streamlined process that ensures your book will get to press as quickly as possible, while still benefiting from the valuable feedback offered by a full peer review. Proposals are considered by our publishing team, and you would be offered a contract upon approval of your proposal. Once a full manuscript is available, your WEF editor will send it out to subject matter experts for anonymous peer review. You will then submit a revised manuscript, and the book enters production. From there, the WEF publishing team works with you to promote the book.
Style Guidelines
We provide authors with guidelines and style templates to ensure the manuscript formatting process is as easy as possible. WEF publications follow an in-house style largely based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020).
Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission for copyrighted material, including tables, figures, and significant amounts of text. WEF editorial staff is available to provide guidance on this process. Documentation of permissions should be submitted with your manuscript. Permission request guidelines are available here.
Marketing and Publicity
Our in-house marketing team will work with authors to ensure their book reaches the right audience. WEF conducts email campaigns and direct mail efforts to spread awareness of your book. We also coordinate social media messaging with authors to maximize impact.