In the past two decades, wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) have been undergoing a dramatic transformation from solely focusing on wastewater treatment to resource recovery of valuable byproducts from waste. Utilities are increasingly realizing the benefits of biofertilizer production, nutrient recovery, energy production, and water conservation and the value it brings to the overall bottom-line for the end user. Wastewater utilities are also uniquely positioned to bridge the demands of renewable energy production as well as reducing organic solid waste from ending up in landfill, both regulated in many states in the US. The US EPA has identified more than 1,300 facilities in the US that rely on anaerobic digestion to reduce organics from wastewater, however, per the American Biogas Council, an estimated 40% of all anaerobic digesters in the US are being underutilized. Digesters with excess capacity are energy sinks, requiring just as much heat and electricity when operated at under capacity as they do while fully optimized, but with very little return in the form of energy production (as biogas). This unused digester capacity can be utilized to anaerobically codigest landfill diverted organics to produce biogas, which in turn can be converted to biomethane or heat and electricity using a combined heat and power system. Increased biogas production is just one of the many benefits of introducing high strength biodegradable wastes from commercial and industrial establishments into municipal anaerobic digestion systems. Digestion systems can also be designed to produce Class A or exceptional value (EQ) biosolids that is returned to the market as biofertilizer or soil amendment. In anticipation of an upgrade from 5.0 to 7.7 MGD, Hermitage Municipal Authority in Pennsylvania undertook a major upgrade of their solids handling facility to increase treatment capacity. The facility only has secondary treatment, meaning there is no easy-to-digest, high calorific value primary sludge as a feed to the new anaerobic digesters. As part of the upgrade, one of the goals was to boost biogas generation and use it as the primary fuel in a combined heat and power (CHP) cogeneration system to offset process heat and generate renewable electricity. This lead to a solids management plan specifically design to address high strength codigestion of source separated organic (SSO) wastes imported to the facility, mostly focused on pre-consumer expired or contaminated food waste, all while still able to produce a US EPA approved Class A biofertilizer. A new two phased digestion system was built using two existing anaerobic concrete tanks on site and one new steel tank. This system includes a first stage thermophilic hydrolysis reactor to acidify high strength waste, followed by high rate mesophilic digesters. A new biogas collection and treatment system and a combined heat and power unit was installed. Subsequently, a second CHP system was installed to maximize biogas utilization with minimal downtime. A new depackaging system, capable of handling dairy/liquid waste was included as part of this initial upgrade. This limited use process justified the needs of the time since only one regional dairy had agreed to divert their pre-packaged, expired dairy waste to the wastewater plant for organics recovery. Subsequently, a second depackaging system was installed to widen the imported source separated organics profile, specifically to include the capabilities to extract organics from various packaged solid food waste. The design of the facility also include a staging area to receive imported packaged organic waste from grocers, large food manufacturers, dairy and other organic waste generators. More recently, a new innovative depackaging process was installed to improve organics removal efficiencies, reduce contaminant level in extracted organic slurry, and manage increased throughput of imported waste at the facility. The three depackaging units are now capable of handling both solids and liquid waste effectively. Since January of 2013, the facility has grown from having just one dedicated organics waste supplier to now receiving food waste from over a dozen major sources. The facility has since processed over 8,000 dry tons of solid waste and over 12 million gallons of high strength liquid waste. The facility utilizes a custom organics feed staging strategy in the advanced anaerobic digestion system, that allows an applied organics loading rate (OLR) in excess of 12 kg/m3 (0.75 lb/ft3) in the first stage thermophilic acid digester. The second stage mesophilic gas digester is fed at a rate of 3 kg/m3 (0.19 lb/ft3), which is typical of conventional digesters, but is capable of higher OLR input. The phased digester feed is a combination of secondary municipal sludge and depackaged organic high strength slurry, in some instances pre-heated prior to introducing it to the thermophilic digesters. The organics loading ratio on a mass basis for municipal sludge to imported waste ranges between 1 to 0.6 and 1 to 1, with 20 tons of municipal sludge for every 12 to 20 tons of organic slurry. The phased digestion system is a US EPA's Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP) equivalent process, designed to achieve Class A biofertilizers as the final product. The current bioenergy system is capable of treating over 125,000 cubic feet of biogas and generates up to 13,400 kilowatts hour of power. The goal is to convert the biogas into compressed natural gas (CNG) to capitalize on the renewable energy credits to improve the cities renewable energy portfolio. In addition to increasing the bioenergy and biofertilizer production, the authority collects tipping fees from food waste generators that offsets ratepayer contributions. Renewable bioenergy production using landfill diverted organics all occurs within this resource recovery facility. This synergistic approach will benefit the solid waste industry from having to find new ways to manage organic food waste, the energy industry from having to build new renewable energy facilities, and most critically the wastewater industry in maximizing existing infrastructure to produce biofertilizer, recovery nutrients, produce bioenergy, and conserve water all while generating revenue from tipping fees. The paper offers a concise methodology that illustrates this synergetic approach to a growing problem. The paper aims to cover the nuances of source separated organics pretreatment, anaerobic codigestion and related processes.
The following conference paper was presented at Residuals and Biosolids 2021: A Virtual Event, May 11-13, 2021.
Author(s)S. Viswanathan1; T. Darby2; J. Wert3
Author affiliation(s)Veolia Water Technologies 1; City of Hermitage 2; Rettew 3;
SourceProceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Document typeConference Paper
Print publication date May 2021
Volume / Issue
Content sourceResiduals and Biosolids Conference
Word count16