Background Portland Water District (PWD) has four wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) with a capacity of more than 25 million gallons per day. Two of the four facilities - East End and Westbrook process most of the solids in the system and were the focus of PWD's comprehensive approach to assess the current solids system and develop a strategic plan that outlines the necessary upgrades, process modifications, and state-of-good-repair projects that PWD should undertake during the next 20-year planning period. PWD began contemplating this planning effort not only due to aging infrastructure, but rather due to increasing concern over lack of biosolids management options and rising public concern around per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in biosolids. Throughout New England, decreased biosolids management capacity has been a rising concern. Much of the region relies upon landfills and regional incinerators, but beneficial use (land application) has served as a reliable, sustainable option for a number of utilities. In Maine, land application had been an accepted practice, with good market understanding of the benefits of biosolids, including biosolids based compost and thermally dried products. In 2019, however, PFAS contamination was discovered at a Maine dairy farm that had historically land applied both biosolids and short paper fibers. This led the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to promulgate soil screening standards for two PFAS - perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). These screening standards were used to limit biosolids land application rates based on the concentrations of these two compounds, and the understanding that PWD might be able to land apply in the future served as an initial assumption of the study. Shortly after study initiation, the Maine legislature passed LD 1911, which prohibits the land application or sale of biosolids and biosolids-derived products in the state of Maine. While options were already limited before this new law, the only option for biosolids management in Maine is now landfill disposal. The passage of LD 1911 thus focused the biosolids master plan on technologies that significantly reduce volume and/or employ thermal destruction. Methodology The goal of this project is to create a 20-year system-wide implementable plan, including near- and long-term improvements that improve the reliability of PWD's solids handling assets while meeting the project goals of mitigating emerging contaminants risks, enhancing reliability and regulatory resiliency, and increasing the public's confidence in PWD's environmental stewardship. PWD worked with its consultant to create a master plan that has both near- and long-term improvements to improve the reliability of PWD's solids handling. Alternatives were evaluated based on regulatory, financial, social, and environmental goals and objectives. An overview of the master planning process is shown in Figure 1. Custom solids and energy models were created to reflect the operation of East End and Westbrook, which were used to determine alternatives for solids handling. The consultant team also provided PWD with estimated operational and capital costs, solids production, and energy requirements based on actual PWD unit costs. Throughout this process, the PWD and consultant team developed and evaluated seven alternatives at six workshops. The outcome of these workshops was a roadmap with several triggers rather than a final solution due to the uncertainty and expected changes in Maine's regulatory framework. Alternatives were evaluated using a mass and energy balance model that supported evaluation of both technical and operational performance. When combined with the capital investment required for each alternative, the model produces a net present cost (NPC) lifecycle cost of each alternative that, when compared to the baseline process condition, determines its financial viability. For this study, it was assumed that the planning horizon for the project would be 20 years. The alternatives evaluated are: -Alternative 0: Status quo. No operational or capital improvements. -Alternative 1: Modified baseline. Baseline operation with new dewatering and sludge storage. This alternative considers the possibility of sending dewatered solids to a merchant facility or to a landfill. -Alternative 2: Thin film Dryer. Westbrook dewatered solids hauled to East End, and the combined solids are dried in a thin film dryer and then disposed of at a landfill. -Alternative 3: PS AD + thermal dryer. Westbrook dewatered solids hauled to East End. East End primary sludge (PS) only mesophilic anaerobic digestion (AD) with thermal drying of all East End and Westbrook sludge. Landfill disposal with possible beneficial end use options in the future. -Alternative 4: Regional Pyrolysis. Westbrook and East End dewatered solids hauled to a PWD-owned regional pyrolysis facility, with either biodrying or thermal drying. Biochar is beneficially used. -Alternative 5: Regional Solar Drying. Westbrook and East End dewatered solids hauled to a PWD-owned regional solar drying facility. Landfill disposal with possible beneficial end use options in the future. Table 1 presents the results of the NPC analysis for these alternatives at a range of solids management costs, which are the largest contributors to the annual solids handling and processing costs. Note: Pyrolysis alternatives do not increase with rising tip fees, as it was assumed PWD had an agreement with the vendor to take the biochar at no cost. Sludge pyrolysis has not been demonstrated at PWD's size, so PWD decided the uncertainty with this technology was too significant at this high capital cost; therefore, PWD decided to continue to monitor the technology before making a final decision. The remaining alternatives were then evaluated based on non-cost factors including de-risking PWD on end use, sustainability, cost predictability, and improved reliability. Table 2 shows a summary of the goal factors for each of the alternatives. The modified baseline, which centers around improved dewatering, was found to be advantageous under current tip fees, and helps de-risk PWD as tip fee volatility increases. This was considered a 'no regrets' project as it both replaces aging infrastructure, and saves PWD money over the long term. With respect to the other alternatives, external factors, particularly the manner in which Maine DEP does or does not permit certain technologies, will affect which alternative should be implemented. As a result, a roadmap was made with key regulatory, market, and other implementation triggers to help guide PWD's actions in the next five years. The roadmap is presented as Figure 2, with the 'no regrets' project serving as the starting point (e.g. will be implemented). Key triggers will cause PWD to go on a certain path of the map, while additional triggers will further refine the likely or viable options. The final two branches (red and orange) of the roadmap are highly unlikely but could still be an outcome. The three key triggers are tip fees continue to rise, landfills reject biosolids, and tip fees stabilize or drop. This adaptable model allows PWD to make immediate improvements that will result in cost savings (dewatering upgrades and thickened sludge storage), while allowing for planning in the face of continuing regulatory flux. It is anticipated that over the next few years, Maine's regulatory approach will stabilize, clarifying the appropriate path forward. Conclusions While state and federal biosolids regulations are still uncertain, PWD can take the following actions recommended by the master plan: -Engage with regional partners now. Should support exist (both from Maine DEP and peer utilities) for regionalization, PWD and its potential partners would have time to determine challenging aspects of partnership such as governance. -Continue to engage with service providers as they explore merchant regional solutions. The master plan established a range of tip fees at which it could be advantageous for PWD to secure long-term management capacity. -Conduct a preliminary design project for the no-regrets projects at East End and Westbrook. This project would provide PWD with a basis of design report (BODR) in which dewatering technology and location would be selected as well as selection of size and location for sludge storage tanks at East End. The BODR would also include evaluation of conveyance of cake, automation of the screw press, and polymer changes at Westbrook. -Continue to engage Maine DEP on technology updates and data updates on PFAS mitigation. -Explore funding mechanisms and continue discussions with vendors on viable solutions. -Visit dryer and other vendor installations.
This paper was presented at the WEF/IWA Residuals and Biosolids Conference, May 16-19, 2023.
Author(s)D. Price1, N. Sierra2, S. Firmin3, T. Chouinard4,
Author affiliation(s)Brown and Caldwell1; Portland Water District2
SourceProceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Document typeConference Paper
Print publication date May 2023
Volume / Issue
Content sourceResiduals and Biosolids
Word count21